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About Deekshitar

Brahmashri Sengalipuram K.Subramania Deekshitar works tirelessly to propagate the ‘Sanatana Dharma’, the sacred way of life propounded in the vedas and scriptures. He has been giving discourses for over thirty years, and has taken the message of the vedas and puranas to the homes and hearts of countless devotees who find the quality of their lives changed by just one upanyasam.

Shri Subramania Deekshitar was born into an illustrious family of scholars and daivabhaktas. His family-tree boasts of many scholars, upanyasakas, and bhagavatars, many of whom are household names in Tamil Nadu. He is the son of Shri Krishnamurthy Deekshitar , who served as a teacher in a vedapaathashaalaa at Chengalpattu for 18 years. He was so much interested in yagas that he returned to Sengalipuram where he used to conduct yagas. Krishnamurthy Deekshitar invited Ramanandaswamigal of chengalpattu to Sengalipuram, and under his guidance, and with public support, he constructed a temple for Lord Dattatreya. Krishnamurthy Deekshitar served as a teacher for 25 years in a paatashaalaa run by Shri Anantharama Deekshitar. In due course he become an authority on vedas, mantrashastras, and chandi homa.

Shri Subramania Deekshitar was born on May 08-1940 (Vaishakha Shuddha Prathamaa, Vikrama samvatsara). He had his initial training in vedas and shaastras under his father. Shri Deekshitar's thread ceremony (Upanayanam) took place in the seventh year and he continued to study vedas, astrology, srividya mantram, various shaastras and yagnavidya till his 18th year. He attained a thorough knowledge of the entire krishna yajurveda in this period.

Shri Subramania Deekshitar had intensive training in yagavidya and kavya shastras under Shri Ayya Deekshitar and Shri Panchabigesha Iyer. Shri Viswanatha Sarma, an authority on upasanaa of amba, was also a tutor of Krishnamurthy Deekshitar. Shri Deekshitar avidly imbibed whatever was taught to his father by Shri Viswanatha Sarma. He is a srividya upasaka himself. He is also one of the well-respected scholars regarding shrauta-yajna-vidhis, and can give authoritative information regarding all types of rare sacrificial rites enjoined in our scriptures. He has performed several rare sacrifices himself, including the extremely rare and highly respected somayaga.

Shri Viswanatha Sarma used to celebrate Navarathri festival on agrand scale for several years. After he attained siddhi, Shri Krishnamurthy Deekshitar continued it for 20 years. Thereafter Shri Subramania Deekshitar took it upon himself to conduct the festival with unabated enthusiasm. Homas, recitation of vedas, Ramayana-parayana, Devi-mahatmyam, navavarana-pujaa, Devi-puja, suvasini-pujaa and kanyaka-pujaa followed by smaradana (annadanam) are the highlights of the programme. Many devotees from all over the country attend the celebrations till the end.

Shri Deekshitar learnt the art of delivering discourses on scriptures under the tutelage of Brahmashri Anantharama Deekshitar, one of his close relatives. Shri Subramania Deekshitar used to accompany Shri Ananthrama Deekshitar wherever the latter delivered discourses, and later, began to deliver discourses independently. Shri Subramania Deekshitar delivers discourses on Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavatha, Narayaneeyam and Skandapurana. Ramayana, Bhagavatha and Narayaneem are his favorite topics.

Shri Deekshitar has been conducting Bhagavata saptaahas, Ramayana navaahas, and Devi Bhagavata navaahas for over 25 years. On an average, he conducts two saptaahas/navaahas every month at the behest of devotees scattered in various places. There have been many instances where he has conducted three such saptaahas in a month too. These programs generally include chanting [parayanam] of the text during mornings, and discourses by shri Deekshitar in the evenings in two or three sessions. The upanyasams are power-packed even at the fag end of the night, and the positive energy exuded by Shri Deekshitar has inpired many. Even people who manage to attend his upanyasams for just an hour find that they have some take-away for life.

Srimad Bhagavatham is a speciality of Shri Subramania Deekshitar. He has studied the original sanskrit text of the Bhagavatham deeply, along with the three famous commentaries. Being well-versed in the vedas, he seamlessly connects the metaphorical stories of the pauranic stories to their origin in the vedas, and enlightens devotees about the true tattva behind each story.

Brahmashri Deekshitar has a string of titles which include ‘Bhagavatha-bhooshanam’ ('An adornment to the Bhagavatham') from the South Indian Bhajana Samaj at Bombay (1968), ‘Upansayakesari’ ('A lion among discoursers') in Vivekananda hall at Secunderbad (1965), ‘Sarasa-bhaashee’ ('Orator par excellence')at Chengalpattu at a function through Krishnaswami Reddi, a judge of madras high court, ‘Upanyasrathnakara’ ('A mine of gems of discoursers') from Divine Life Society, at Marudai dist (1972), ‘Kaliyuga-Shukabrahma’ ('The Shukamuni of Kaliyuga')at Ahobila Mutt in Bombay (1990) and ‘Mahabharata-pravachana-dhureena’('An expert in discourses on Mahabharata) in Bangalore by Guruvayupurapathi Seva Mandir Trust (1989).

Shri Deekshitar has razor-sharp intellect, a phenomenal memory and a keen sense of humor. With his persuasive eloquence he can hold the audience spellbound for hours on end. His scintillating exposition of each episode in the puranas magnetises the listeners.

He is also well versed in the Jyotishya-shastra, and is an expert on Vedic-astrology-based remedial measures.

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